Buckinghamshire Council Care Leavers: Our Local Offer

care leavers

Feedback about Care Leaver services and advocacy

As a young adult, you will have your own opinions and views. If there is anything about the service that you are not satisfied with, we want to hear what it is, and we will try to resolve any differences. We will also help you if you feel you have been treated unfairly and support you to challenge what has happened or to make a formal complaint.

We can support you to make a complaint where you feel that the service you are receiving as a care experienced adult, or have received as a child in care, is not as it should be.

We can support you to see the files and records written about you during your involvement with social care services. We will try to share this information with you at an appropriate time and help you to make sense of your individual experiences. We will make sure that a discussion takes place fully explaining this process before you access your files and that you are supported with this process.

Independent advocacy

The Advocacy Service is there to support you to speak-up and take part in decisions that affect your life. The Service can explain your rights and entitlements and help you understand things clearly.

The Advocacy Service is independent of social workers or PAs and will keep conversations confidential if it does not put yourself or others at risk.

It may help if you:

  • are confused by why certain decisions have been made about you
  • would like an advocate to come with you to important meetings such as a Reviews or Pathway Planning meetings
  • need help to write a wishes and feelings statement to say what you want to say and make sure people listen to you
  • need information advice about your rights
  • are unhappy about plans made for you by Children’s Services and don’t feel listened to
  • need support in making a formal complaint


We would love to know what you like about the service or anyone who works with you. We would also like to know if you have any ideas of anything further that you would like us to be providing within the local offer and as part of the service.

We value your input and need you to help shape our service to make it the best it can be. Your feedback is always welcome by either speaking to your PA or by emailing the Manager at: [email protected].

Our offer

This Care Leavers Local Offer was developed in consultation with children and young people who are care experienced in Buckinghamshire.

This is our offer to you and we hope that it makes the services and support very clear so that you have a good idea of what is available to you. Please speak to your Personal Advisor for further advice and to discuss any part of this offer that you are interested in.