Help and support if you’ve recently arrived from Ukraine

Last updated: 12 April 2022

9. School admissions

Find a school place

You can apply for a school place via the page School admissions or on this page Changing school if you are moving house

You can use the online forms that are there for in-year admissions, making it clear that your previous address was in Ukraine.

Please provide confirmation of the address the child will be living at from the host family (see below) and a copy of the parent and child's entry documentation (copy of Visa and Ukraine passport/s).

Confirm the host address

A simple sheet saying the following will be sufficient for our needs. We can verify this with the Home Office scheme e.g.

I, William Barnard of for example 1 Church Mead, Marlow, SL7 9BJ can confirm that Mrs Sharapova and her son/daughter (name) are accommodated with me under the Ukraine Family Scheme from __/__/__”.

Finding the correct year group for your child

You can use this checker: Find my child a school place which works out the relevant year group. Just put the date of birth into the boxes and it will suggest the appropriate national curriculum year group for the age of the child.

Schools have been asked to place children in a year group where their abilities best fit. This is a decision that the school will be best placed to make, so they may decide a younger year group is more appropriate.

When can children start in the local school in the UK?

We will hope to provide school places quickly, but parents should not feel under any pressure to start on the very first date we say they can. If you and your child need a bit of time, you just need to agree an appropriate start date with the school so they can plan to admit the child.

Depending on the scale of applications there may be a short delay before the offer can be confirmed in writing by the Admissions Team. However, if the school is able to admit then this should not stop the school and parent beginning to make the arrangements for a child to start at the school.

Choosing schools to apply for

The check for schools page shows school vacancies. Parents should include sensible local school preferences and include any local schools even if the vacancy list does not show vacancies as we will discuss the application with the school(s) concerned.

Think about how your child will get to school. If you are not applying to the nearest school, then home to school transport is unlikely to be offered unless the nearest school cannot accept your child.

Schools that require a direct application

Some schools will want applications direct, and these schools can be checked on the In-year school transfer - Who you apply to form.

However, it makes sense to include them in any application to the Local Authority as we will support the family in applying to the school if we know they are interested in a place there.

Special Educational Needs

We will need to know if a child has special needs and this will need to be shown on the application, plus if a child has a Ukrainian equivalent of an education health and care plan then we need to know about this. We want to ensure our Special Educational Needs team can support any children who need specialist placements.

Applying for a Grammar School

You can apply for Grammar School, but please be aware that all grammar schools have a selective admission process and this may take some time to complete.

Applying for admission to Sixth Form (all secondary schools)

Decisions about applications to the sixth form will be a decision of the school as this is beyond both the UK (16) and Ukrainian (15) compulsory education age. You should contact the school direct.

Need more help?

Ask the Admissions and Transport Team using the form, Contact school admissions