Gambling licensing policy

Last updated: 1 April 2022


The Licensing Authority is aware that tracks may be subject to one or more premises licences, provided each licence relates to a specified area of the track.

The Licensing Authority will especially consider the impact upon the licensing objective of the protection of children and vulnerable persons from being harmed or exploited by gambling and the need to ensure that entrances to each type of premises are distinct and that children are excluded from gambling areas where they are not permitted to enter.

Children are permitted to enter track areas where facilities for betting are provided on days when dog-racing and/or horse racing take place but that they are prevented from entering areas where gaming machines (other than category D machines) are provided.

The authority will therefore expect the premises licence applicant to risk assess the proposed operation and demonstrate suitable measures to ensure that children do not have access to adult-only gaming facilities.

Control measures may include:

  • Proof of age schemes
  • CCTV
  • Supervision of entrances and machine areas
  • Physical separation of areas
  • Location of entry
  • Notices
  • signage
  • Specific opening hours

This list is neither mandatory nor exhaustive but is indicative of example measures.