Gambling licensing policy

Last updated: 1 April 2022

Exchange of information during the gambling licensing process

Licensing authorities are required to include in their statements the principles to be applied by the authority in exercising their functions under section 29 of the Gambling Act and section 30 of the Gambling Act in relation to the exchange of information between it and the Gambling Commission, and their functions under section 350 of the Gambling Act in relation to the exchange of information between it and the other persons listed in Schedule 6 of the Gambling Act.

The principle that this Licensing Authority applies is that it will act in accordance with the provisions of the Gambling Act 2005 in its exchange of information which includes the provisions that the Data Protection Act 2018 will not be contravened.

The Licensing Authority will also have regard to any guidance issued by the Gambling Commission on this matter as well as any relevant regulations issued by the Secretary of State under the powers provided in the Gambling Act.

The Gambling Commission can require the Authority to provide specific information if it forms part of our licensing register or we hold it in connection with our licensing functions under the Gambling Act. We may also exchange information with other persons or bodies listed below for use in the exercise of functions under the Gambling Act:

  • A constable or police force
  • An enforcement officer
  • A licensing authority
  • HMRC
  • The First Tier Tribunal
  • The Secretary of State

Exchanges of information will be conducted in a timely and accurate fashion and confirmed in writing in all cases.

Any protocols that are established relating to information exchange with other bodies will be made available.