Gambling licensing policy

Last updated: 1 April 2022

Gambling: local area profiles

Local Area Profiles can provide significant benefits in raising awareness of local risks to the licensing objectives in an area.

They enable the Licensing Authority to better serve the local community by identifying the risks within it, providing greater clarity for operators, improving decision making and encouraging a proactive approach.

The Licensing Authority, in conjunction with partner agencies, will produce and publish a Local Area Profile.

The profile will provide geographical information, associated with key characteristics which have been identified as representing higher levels of risk to one or more of the licensing objectives.


The Licensing Authority expects operators of licensed premises to utilise the latest Local Area Profile information when formulating and reviewing their risk assessments.

Operators are expected to:

  • establish whether the proposed or actual site of their gambling premises falls within a high risk area
  • demonstrate that they have fully considered the potential impact of the operation of gambling facilities at their premises on the promotion of the licensing objectives in the local area

The Licensing Authority will refer to the latest Local Area Profile information when considering all licence applications.

Restricting gambling activities

The Licensing Authority will seek to restrict facilities for gambling in areas where it considers that vulnerable persons will be put at potential risk of harm.

Each case will be decided on its merits and new and existing operators will be given the opportunity to demonstrate how they might overcome Licensing Authority concerns prior to determination of any licence application.