Gambling licensing policy

Last updated: 1 April 2022

Licensing objectives and partners

Licensing objectives

The Gambling Act 2005 regulates most forms of gambling in the UK and places control of some gambling activities in the hands of local authorities.

The Licensing Authority is determined that the residents of, and visitors to Buckinghamshire should be provided with high quality well managed venues for betting and gaming, whilst reducing the risk of crime and disorder and protecting children and the vulnerable.

The Licensing Authority will expect detailed plans from operators to show how the objectives will be met.

In exercising their functions under the Gambling Act 2005 (“the Act”), the Licensing Authority (Buckinghamshire Council) will have regard to the licensing objectives as set out in section 1 of the Act:

The Licensing Authority will make the same assumptions when exercising its powers under the Act.

In making decisions in relation to the grant or otherwise of premises licences under section 153 of the Act, the Licensing Authority will aim to permit the use of premises for gambling in so far as the proposed activities are reasonably consistent with:

  • any relevant code of practice
  • any relevant guidance issued by the Commission
  • the licensing objectives
  • the Licensing Authority’s Statement of Licensing Principles

When making any application under the Act, applicants are strongly advised to provide sufficient relevant information to enable the Licensing Authority to properly determine their application in light of the requirements in section 153.


To achieve these aims, we will work with:

Responsible authorities

The responsible authorities are also involved in the licensing process.

The Licensing Authority is required by regulations to state the principles it will apply in exercising its powers under Section 157(h) of the Act to designate, in writing, a body which is competent to advise the authority about the protection of children from harm.

The principles are:

  • the need for the body to be responsible for an area covering the whole of the licensing authority’s area
  • the need for the body to be answerable to democratically elected persons, rather than any particular vested interest group

The Licensing Authority designates the Buckinghamshire Safeguarding Children Partnership for this purpose.