Permit scheme for road works and street works

Last updated: 28 April 2022

25. Appendix G: transitional arrangements

Once a Local Permit Scheme Order has been made, the Authority will provide at least four weeks notice of its intention to operate or vary the Permit Scheme.

The Permit Scheme will apply to all activities where the administrative processes, such as an application for a permit or provisional advance authorisation, start after the commencement date of the Permit Scheme stated in the Order.

Activities which are planned to start on site more than one month after the changeover date, (for standard, minor and immediate activities), or three months after the changeover date, (for major activities), shall operate under the Permit Scheme. This means that even if the relevant Section 54, 55 or 57 NRSWA notice has been sent before the changeover, the Promoter will have to apply for a permit.

If the Promoter has not substantially begun the activity (or phase of activity) one month after the changeover date (for standard, minor and immediate activities) or three months after the changeover date (for major activities), then the Promoter must cancel the NRSWA notice for that activity (or phase of activity) and apply for a permit.

Any Phase which started under the Notices regime will continue under that regime until completed.

This period is sufficient as much of the Permit Scheme operation is run alongside NRSWA and extensive testing of systems between the Permit Authority and Promoters will have taken place and will continue on the run up to the implementation of the Permit Scheme.