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16 and 17 year old young people at risk of homelessness

Last updated: 1 November 2021 Download the protocol (pdf, 600.7 KB)

13. Young people from outside Buckinghamshire

Young people presenting as homeless in Buckinghamshire but from whose address they are homeless or at risk of homelessness is in another borough may not be eligible for accommodation under section 20 from Buckinghamshire Council. If the prevention or relief duty under homelessness legislation is owed, an assessment will be made as to whether it is appropriate to refer the young person back to their original local authority.

However, Buckinghamshire Council will ensure that an assessment is carried out of any young person presenting as homeless and that any immediate needs of the young person are met pending any referral to another authority. In the event of the other authority disputing responsibility for the young person, Buckinghamshire Council will assess and provide for the young person as if they were Buckinghamshire Council’s responsibility until this is resolved.