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16 and 17 year old young people at risk of homelessness

Last updated: 1 November 2021 Download the protocol (pdf, 600.7 KB)

23. Appendix 2 - Factors to take into consideration during assessment

Factors to be considered by children’s services when assessing 16-17 year olds who may be children in need (Prevention of homelessness and provision of accommodation for 16 and 17 year old young people who may be homeless and/or require accommodation DfE 2018):

Dimension of need: Accommodation
Issues to consider in assessing children's future needs:
Does the child have access to stable accommodation? How far is this suitable to the full range of the child’s needs?

Dimension of need: Family and social relationships
Issues to consider in assessing children's future needs:
Assessment of the child’s relationship with their parents and wider family. What is the capacity of the child’s family and social network to provide stable and secure
accommodation and meet the child’s practical, emotional and social needs?

Dimension of need: Emotional and behavioural development
Issues to consider in assessing children's future needs:
Does the child show self-esteem, resilience and confidence? Assessment of their attachments and the quality of relationships. Does the child show self-control and appropriate self-awareness?

Dimension of need: Education, training and employment
Issues to consider in assessing children's future needs:
Information about the child’s education experience and background.
Assessment as to whether support may be required to enable the child to access education, training or employment.

Dimension of need: Financial capability and independent living skills
Issues to consider in assessing children's future needs:
Assessment of the child’s financial competence and how they will secure financial support in the future. Information about the support the child might need to develop self-management and independent living skills.

Dimension of need: Health and development
Issues to consider in assessing children's future needs:
Assessment of the child’s physical, emotional and mental health needs

Dimension of need: Identity
Issues to consider in assessing children's future needs:
Assessment of the child’s needs as a result of their ethnicity, preferred language, cultural background, religion or sexual identity.