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16 and 17 year old young people at risk of homelessness

Last updated: 1 November 2021 Download the protocol (pdf, 600.7 KB)

9. Legal Planning and New Admissions Panel

All assessments will be reviewed at the Legal Planning and New Admissions Panel, attended by:

  • Service Director of Buckinghamshire Children’s Services or Head of Service (Chair)
  • Team Leader, Legal Services
  • FGC Manager
  • Representative from Early Help
  • Placement Manager

The assessing social worker will present their assessment to the Panel for a decision to be made about their status which may include:

  • The young person is able to return home or to suitable alternative accommodation and homelessness has been prevented.
  • The young person is a child in need who should be accommodated under section 20 (or continue to be accommodated where emergency accommodation has been provided.
  • The young person is not eligible for section 20 accommodation and is not homeless or threatened with homelessness and no housing duty is owed.
  • The young person is not eligible for section 20 accommodation but there remains a risk of homelessness within 56 days; the Homelessness Service should be notified and will notify the young person if any duty is owed.

If the young person has been assessed as being in need but does not meet the criteria to be accommodated under section 20, Buckinghamshire Children’s Services will provide a statutory social work service under section 17 to support the young person to remain at home and the young person will have a child in need plan.

If the young person is assessed as not being in need, advice and guidance on housing options will be provided by Homeless Services.