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16 and 17 year old young people at risk of homelessness

Last updated: 1 November 2021 Download the protocol (pdf, 600.7 KB)

7. Supporting families

Buckinghamshire Children’s Services and Housing Services have a joint duty to support families to stay together and help young people to remain at home as this is likely to be in their best interests and is part of Buckinghamshire’s strategy to prevent and reduce homelessness.

Whenever a young person presents as homeless or at risk of homelessness, Buckinghamshire Children’s Services will initially work with the young person and their family to help them address and resolve issues that are leading to conflict. They will try to explore options for the young person to live with members of the extended family or friends.

All young people presenting as homeless or at risk of homelessness will be offered mediation services for 6 to 12 weeks by the Family Group Conference Service to help them and their parents improve relationships and enable young people to remain at home.

Where assessment shows the young person to be in need, Buckinghamshire Children’s Services will provide services and support under section 17 to meet the young person’s needs and help them remain living with their family

Where it may not be possible for the young person to remain at home, Buckinghamshire Children’s Services will help families to explore alternative care for the young person. This will be within their extended family and friends network using Family Group Conferences to facilitate this. These arrangements can be supported under section 17.

Where it may be possible that no Buckinghamshire Children’s Services duty may be owed, Homeless Services will provide advice and guidance on housing options.

In general, a young person who is being assessed and undergoing mediation will not be provided with accommodation prior to the end of the assessment.