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16 and 17 year old young people at risk of homelessness

Last updated: 1 November 2021 Download the protocol (pdf, 600.7 KB)

15. Young parents

If the young person is a parent and is to be accommodated under section 20, consideration will be given to the needs of the family, but it will not automatically follow that the child will become looked after. A separate assessment of the child will be carried out to establish their needs and the young person’s parenting capacity before a decision is made on whether the child should also be looked after or what other action may need to be taken. If the young person is pregnant, a pre-birth assessment should be carried out.

When working with young parents and expectant mothers, social workers will ensure:

  • if the parent/young person is to become looked after they are allocated suitable accommodation
  • the professional network is fully involved in planning for the young person and their child
  • the young parent can access their full entitlement to benefits and maternity grants