Waste Management Planning Guide (Former Aylesbury Vale area)

2. Introduction

Aylesbury Vale District Council (AVDC) is committed to maximising recycling, encouraging the reuse of items, and reducing the amount of waste sent for disposal. In order for these objectives to be met, it is vital that new buildings are designed to provide waste facilities that:

  • allow waste to be managed efficiently and effectively
  • allow for segregated waste and recycling
  • allow for bins to be stored and collected in a suitable and appropriate way for all parties

This guide has been developed by the council’s Recycling and Waste team in consultation with Planning Services and other relevant departments in order to assist developers in relation to:

  • single houses or developments of 2 or more houses; or
  • communal households (flats); or
  • industrial and/or commercial sites of 100m2 or more floor space; or
  • sports, recreation or similar facilities; or
  • facilities within individual or groups of properties or premises for the separation and storage of recycling and waste for collection

The council’s recycling and waste service is reviewed on a regular basis and applicants/agents are advised to contact AVDC to ascertain that the details outlined within this document are still applicable at the time.