New and replacement bins, boxes or sacks
Order new, replacement or different size bins, boxes or sacks.
You can check your next bin collection day by using our online address look up tool.
Tell us about a missed bin collection and rearrange your collection.
Sign up or renew your garden waste subscription, request additional bins and find out what you can and can't dispose of.
Order new, replacement or different size bins, boxes or sacks.
Find your nearest recycling centre (tip), apply for a waste permit and learn about our facilities.
Check what you can and can't dispose of in each of your bins and where to dispose of it otherwise.
Book or cancel a one-off collection of larger items from your home or report a missed collection.
We provide a free assisted bin collection service if you need help.
We provide a free and confidential household collection of domestic healthcare waste, including clinical waste, needles and syringes.
Organise a community litter pick or report issues such as littering from vehicles, fly-tipping, dead animals or discarded needles.
We offer rubbish and recycling collections for schools.
Give feedback or report incidents with our waste or street cleaning crews.
Find out how you can pay the council to collect your business or charity waste.
Find out what to do when we miss your bin collection because of incorrect items in your bin or recycling container.
Request a refund for waste services if you feel you're due money back.
Report issues, request additional bins and contact us about bins, waste and recycling.
Find out where you can dispose of your natural christmas tree, wreaths, holly or mistletoe this Christmas.