Household Waste Collection Policy for Southern Buckinghamshire


Under the provisions of the Environmental Protection Act, 1990, the Southern Waste Team are working in partnership covering the south of Buckinghamshire. They are classed as the Waste Collection Authority, and as such, under section 45 (1), have a statutory duty to collect household waste from all domestic properties in the South of Buckinghamshire. Under section 46(4) of the Act, the council have specific powers to stipulate:

  • the size and type of the collection receptacle(s)
  • where the receptacle(s) must be placed for the purpose of collecting and emptying
  • the substances or articles which may or may not be placed within the receptacle(s)
  • the frequency of collection(s)

Waste policies are developed in order to provide clarity on the collection service provided, with information on what residents can expect to happen and what they need to do to use the service. The development of waste policies will be based on legislative requirements, contractual specifications and Health & Safety requirements.