Free school transport

How it works

Most Buckinghamshire children are not eligible for free school transport.

There is strict eligibility criteria set out in national law and in our home to school transport policy.

Under the law, if a child is between 5 and 16 years old they may be able to get free transport to the nearest suitable school depending on:

For children who are eligible, the transport we provide may be a:

You do not need to apply for free school transport. We will automatically make an offer of transport for your child if we have established that your child meets the transport policy. If we do not offer your child transport, check that your child meets our transport policy before you contact us.

Children that go to grammar schools

If your child goes to a grammar school and there is an all-ability (upper school) nearer to your house, we will not provide free school transport to the grammar school.

You may be able to pay for your child to travel on a commercial school bus or on a spare seat on a council-run school bus.

If your child is not eligible

Most children are not eligible for free school transport. This means you are responsible for making arrangements for them to travel to school and meeting the cost. There are a number of school transport options available.

If you want to pay for your child to travel on a school bus, there may be a small number of spare seats available on buses we run for children who get free school transport. You can also check whether there is a suitable bus route run by a commercial operator.

Exceptional circumstances

There are some exceptional circumstances in which we may provide free school transport. You can find more information in section 3.8 of our Home to School Transport Policy.

Terms and conditions apply

You can read our terms and conditions. This is in line with our policy.