Free school transport

Unsafe walking route

If your child's walking route to their nearest suitable school is unsafe, they may be eligible for free school transport. We are aware of most of the unsafe walking routes in Buckinghamshire and these are kept under review.

The route must be under 2 miles for children under 8, or under 3 miles for children over 8.

When making our decision, we will also consider:

  • your child's age
  • whether it might be safer for an adult to go with your child, and if that is reasonably possible depending on your child's age
  • the width of the road and if there are pavements
  • the amount and speed of traffic

How to apply

We are aware of most of the unsafe walking routes in Buckinghamshire and these are kept under review.

If you think your child's walking route is unsafe, you can ask for the route to be assessed.

Terms and conditions

You can read them here. This is in line with our home to school transport policy.