Make a building regulations application: step by step

Check what building regulations application you need, book a site inspection and get a completion certificate.

  1. 1

    Before you start your construction project, you should:

    If you have started construction without getting consent or moved into a property that does not have a certificate, you can get building work certified.

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    If an application is required, the next step is to decide if you should make an application for approval with full plans or submit a building notice.

    Apply for an application for approval with full plans - used for new buildings and extensive building work

    Submit a building notice application - used for domestic work and smaller-scale projects

    For higher risk buildings:

    If your project is for a higher-risk building which has at least 7 storeys or is at least 18 metres in height and either:

    • is a hospital or care home
    • has at least 2 residential units

    You will need to apply for approval for higher risk buildings on the website.

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    When you application has been paid, we'll provide you with an inspection service plan before your start the work.

    You will need to notify the Building Control Team on 2 occasions before booking a site inspection:

    • at least 2 working days before you intend to start work
    • in writing, within 5 working days of the works 'commencing'

    Work has 'commenced' when:

    • for new build properties, you've built the ground floor level including all foundations and any basement or extensions
    • for any other building work, 15% of the planned work has been completed

    Notify the Building Control Team when work has started or commenced.

    You'll need to book a site inspection.

  4. 4

    Once work has finished, you will need to submit to us a completion notification form before you request a completion inspection.

    Once inspected, if all standards and requirements are met, we will issue a completion certificate.

    If you lose it, you can request a copy of your completion certificate.