Whistleblowing Policy and Procedure for Schools

10. Initial stages of raising a concern under the whistleblowing policy

10.1 In the first instance, the employee or worker should raise their concern orally or in writing with an appropriate level of line management e.g. Teacher, Headteacher, Line Manager. If the concern raised involves the Headteacher, an approach should be made to the Chair of Governors.

10.2 If the employee or worker feels unable to raise a concern to an appropriate level of line manager they may alternatively use the Council’s Whistleblowing hotline on 01296 382237 or email [email protected]. Using this hotline will ensure that employees and workers are protected under this policy.

10.3 Concerns can also be raised through the employee and worker’s trade union representative. The representative should then seek advice on procedures from the branch secretary.

10.4 Workers, such as agency workers or contractors, should raise a concern with their contact within the School, usually the person to whom they report.

10.5 The employee or worker must make it clear that they are raising the concern under the Whistleblowing policy.

10.6 If they wish to remain anonymous, they should make this clear to the person they contact.

10.7 Employees and workers will not be required to provide evidence of the concern but will be expected to demonstrate that there are reasonable grounds for raising the issue.

10.8 Employees and workers should have nothing to fear by reporting concerns and individuals who do invoke the whistleblowing procedures will be seen as ‘witnesses’ rather than ‘complainants’ by the School.

10.9 Any investigations that are deemed necessary following the reporting of a concern will not be influenced by any disciplinary or redundancy procedures that may already affect employees and workers.

10.10 If an initial concern raised within the Authority includes any possible financial irregularity, the Director of Finance and Assets should be informed by the Headteacher and Chair of Governors.

10.11 At any meeting during the whistleblowing process, the employee or worker has a right to be accompanied by an accredited union representative or work colleague.

10.12 The manager may at their discretion allow the employee to bring a companion who is not a colleague or trade union representative where this will help overcome a particular difficulty caused by disability, or where the employee has a difficulty understanding English.