Capital and investment strategy
- Objectives and scope of how we will maximise the impact of our limited capital resources.
Corporate debt management strategy PDF, 244KB
- The purpose of this Strategy is to ensure that the council receives the maximum level of income possible for services it provides.
Council Tax Reduction Scheme
- Information on the Central Government’s scheme and the Council’s Local scheme.
Council Tax discounts and empty homes premiums policy PDF, 242KB
- This policy outlines the Council's approach to discretionary Council Tax discounts and the levying of premiums on empty homes.
Council Tax discretionary discount policy PDF, 249KB
- The purpose of this policy is to ensure that a consistent approach is taken when applications for Council Tax discretionary discounts are considered by Buckinghamshire Council.
Council Tax support fund policy 2023/34 PDF, 249KB.
- This policy outlines our approach to the recent initiatives by Central Government to assist with the most vulnerable taxpayers who are suffering financial hardship due to the cost of living crisis.
Discretionary award policy PDF,190KB
- The purpose of the policy is to ensure that a consistent approach is taken when assessing applications for discretionary awards (DA) for Council Tax Reduction.
Discretionary Council Tax discount scheme for care leavers policy PDF, 117KB
- This policy sets out our approach to the award of discretionary Council Tax discount for Care Leavers.
Discretionary housing payments policy PDF, 180KB.
- The purpose of the policy is to ensure that a consistent approach is taken when assessing applications for discretionary housing payments (DHP) for Housing Benefit.
Medium Term Financial Plan
- The 2024/25 Budget and Medium-Term Financial Plan (MTFP) delivers a 3-year balanced budget and demonstrates the financial sustainability of the council despite the considerable challenges faced by us and the sector.
Fees and charges
- A schedule of fees and charges from 1 April 2024
Risk management strategy
- The strategy provides a framework designed to support Members and Officers in ensuring that the Council is able to discharge its risk management responsibilities.