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Contact us online or in person. Includes emergency contacts
Register to vote, previous election results and information on running for an election
Find out what we spend and how we spend it, how we investigate fraud and how we are committed to transparency.
Complain about council services, report a problem or make an appeal or claim
Find your nearest council access point to get help with our services
Information and advice about the Local Government Pension Scheme
Find your councillor, view information about senior council officers or find out about the Buckinghamshire Lieutenancy
View our corporate plans and council policies
How we collect and use your personal information
Speak at a council meeting, take part in a consultation, sign a petition or join a Community Board
Learn about decision making, including council meetings, the cabinet and our constitution.
Find out when council meetings are happening and how you can get involved.
Find out information about the council, or what information the council holds about you.
Buckinghamshire Council news and useful press and media resources
View the council budget and find out what we plan to invest in.
View Buckinghamshire Council's schedule of fees and charges, agreed at cabinet.
Take part in surveys and focus groups to provide valuable feedback on our website, forms and communication services.
Learn about our equalities objectives, workforce profile, and diversity and inclusion framework
How to apply for a Certificate of Existence (also called a Proof of Life, Certificate of Life or Letter of Existence)
Attend our jobs, skills and opportunities fair