Whistleblowing Policy and Procedure for Schools

2. Action under the Whistleblowing Policy

14.1 The employee or worker should be kept informed as to what decision has been made and an explanation given for the decision. However, it may not be possible to tell the employee or worker the precise action that may be taken as a result as this may infringe a duty of confidence owed by the School or Council to another employee or worker.

14.2 Prior to any investigation, the Headteacher, Line Manager, Chair of Governors may decide to:

  • take action without the need for an investigation
  • take urgent action before an investigation takes place, e.g. suspension of an employee or worker, if sufficient initial evidence indicates this is warranted. See the School’s Conduct and Discipline Policy for details on Suspension
  • undertake an investigation e.g. through the disciplinary procedure, Managing Allegations against Staff and Volunteers Working with Children and Young People, Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults process or by internal audit through the Anti-Fraud and Corruption Statement of Policy if the case involves financial irregularity or corruption
  • refer the concern straight to the police. If a concern is referred straight to the police then an internal investigation must not be carried out as the police will wish to speak to all parties involved
  • arrange an alternative independent enquiry e.g. Health and Safety Executive

14.3 If a decision is made to take action under another policy e.g. Conduct and Discipline or the Managing Allegations, after an investigation, the Headteacher, Line Manager, Chair of Governors should:

  • write to the employee or worker who has raised the concern to inform them of the outcome within 5 working days of the meeting, copying in the Council’s Monitoring Officer
  • give reasons for the decision made and explain that the employee or worker has a right to take the matter to the next level and give details of how they should do this

14.4 If, following the use of the whistleblowing procedures, an individual believes they are being subjected to detrimental treatment by any person within the School, they must inform their relevant Line Manager immediately and appropriate action will be taken to protect them from any reprisals. In the case of a Governor being subjected to detrimental treatment they should immediately inform the Service Director Education.

14.5 As part of the Council or Governing Body’s commitment to dealing with concerns raised via this policy, any person who tries to identify, victimises or harasses an individual as a result of them having raised a concern under the procedure, may be subject to the Schools’ Conduct and Discipline Policy.

14.6 Similarly any person who deters or attempts to deter any individual from genuinely raising concerns under this policy may also be subject to the Schools’ Conduct and Discipline Policy.