Guide to starting school or moving up to junior school
If you do not need or want the place offered to your child
Your child may no longer need a place at a Buckinghamshire primary school (for example, if you have accepted a place at an independent school, if you are moving out of the area, or if you have decided to home educate). If this is the case, please contact us by 11:59pm on 30 April to decline the place and let us know what arrangements you have made for your child’s education.
If you have not made alternative arrangements for your child’s education, we strongly advise you to accept the place offered for the time being. Accepting the place will not affect your child’s position on a waiting list or your chances of success at appeal.
We would like to remind the parents of all statutory school age children that it is your legal responsibility to ensure that your child receives a suitable education. Where we believe this may not be the case, during August we will ask the council’s Education Entitlement Team to check this with you.
The Education Entitlement Team will have details of the primary schools in Buckinghamshire that still have places available, and they will discuss your options with you. They cannot give your child a place in a school that is full.