Community Infrastructure Levy

Developments liable for CIL

Buckinghamshire Council operates two CIL Charging Schedules:

  • one in the East/South Area (introduced by its predecessor authorities in those areas, Chiltern and South Bucks District Councils)
  • one in the West Area (introduced by its predecessor authority in that area, Wycombe District Council).

East/South Area Charging Schedule [PDF, 1.97MB]

West Area Charging Schedule [PDF, 3.60MB]

East and South Areas (Former Chiltern and South Bucks district areas)

Developments that are liable for CIL in the East and South areas include:

  • Any development comprising one or more new dwellings, regardless of their gross internal floor area; or
  • Any development (all use classes) involving at least 100 square meters of new floorspace. This includes commercial and residential extensions, conversions, changes of use, new builds or demolition and rebuilds.

West Area (Former Wycombe district area)

Developments that are liable for CIL in former Wycombe district area include:

  • Any development comprising one or more new dwellings, regardless of their gross internal floor area; or
  • Any residential development involving at least 100 square meters of new floorspace. This includes householder extensions, conversions, changes of use, new builds or demolition and rebuilds; or
  • Any retail development (all former A class uses and sui generis akin to retail) involving at least 100 square meters of new floorspace. This includes extensions, conversions, changes of use, new builds or demolition and rebuilds.

In both CIL charging areas, development carried out under permitted development ('general consent') may still be liable for CIL if it meets any of the above criteria.

Developments not liable for CIL

Developments that are not liable for CIL in both areas include:

  • Temporary planning permissions
  • A building into which people only go intermittently for the inspection or maintenance of fixed plants or machinery
  • A structure for pylons or wind turbines