Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2022 to 2025

Priority one

To provide advice, information and support on housing and related issues to enable those at risk of becoming homeless to take steps to remain in their accommodation where feasible and appropriate, or to undertake a planned move if required.


Action - review and develop on-line housing options information by updating signposting and self-delivery systems on the website. Consideration to be given to launching an online Homelessness Triage service

  • target / outcome - virtually eliminate rough sleeping by early learning and quick assessment
  • year 1


Action - ensure that there are sufficient other methods of support for people who cannot access service on-line (including physical appointments, telephone and drop in as necessary).

  • target / outcome - variety of availability to services
  • year 1


Action - ensure consistent access to services across the area with appropriate thresholds and eligibility criteria and ensure this learns from the lived experience of households who have used the service

  • target / outcome - one Council approach; simpler for customers and partners to understand what’s available
  • year 1


Action - ensure on-line advice includes tailored information for those being asked to leave private rented sector accommodation, with signposting to other services as appropriate

  • target / outcome - increase the number of households able to resolve own housing issues and remain in existing accommodation
  • year 1


Action - continue to raise awareness of mediation services and ensure they are offered at earliest possible opportunity for intervention

  • target / outcome - greater use of mediation could enable more people to remain with family or friends
  • year 1


Action - continue to work with the DWP to ensure homelessness is prevented and that the Council can intervene and support clients as early as possible. Explore direct rent payments to landlords where there are known financial risk factors

  • target / outcome - increased number of households enabled to remain in existing accommodation
  • year 1


Action - review the need and develop possible options and expansion for existing tenancy sustainment services.

  • target / outcome - increased number of households enabled to remain in existing accommodation
  • year 2


Action - Increase awareness in other frontline services around how to help people with mental health difficulties and experience of trauma; ensure that appropriate housing officers are trained in mental health issues, personality disorders and behavioural challenges

  • target / outcome - empathetic and effective services for those with mental health difficulties
  • year 2


Action - explore a gap analysis of homelessness prevention education delivered through schools, colleges and youth services (including working with social care and education service to analyse what information and advice is provided)

  • target / outcomes - earlier intervention leading to reduced numbers becoming threatened with homelessness. Improved knowledge and awareness
  • year 3


Action - Develop longer-term monitoring of outcomes to identify and respond to repeat homelessness

  • target / outcome - establish baseline for repeat homelessness if possible then set target to reduce
  • year 2


Action - roll out the financial inclusion partnerships money advice campaign ‘Back on Track’ to the whole of Buckinghamshire

  • targets / outcomes - increase the number of households able to resolve own issues and remain in existing accommodation
  • year 1


Action - roll out the financial inclusion partnerships money advice campaign ‘Back on Track’ to the whole of Buckinghamshire

  • target / outcome - continue to work with services for children and young people to review options for early education around financial issues, especially for young people, including tailored advice for those leaving care.
  • year 3/2