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Children looked after and placement sufficiency strategy 2021 to 2024

Vision for children looked after

Every parent wants the best for their child. When a child becomes looked after, the local authority becomes the ‘corporate parent’ responsible for the child during the period which they are in care. We want all children in our care to be healthy, safe and happy, do well at school and enjoy good relationships with their peers.

We want our young people to be able to make the most of leisure opportunities, hobbies and interests, and to grow towards adulthood equipped to lead independent lives and to make their way as adults into higher education, good careers and jobs, and achieve financial security.

It is evident that the quality of placements strongly relates to children and young people ‘doing well’ in care – the higher the quality, the better children and young people do’ (Sinclair et al, 2007). It is therefore the aim of this strategy to ensure that across all areas of our services supporting children who are looked after we aspire to achieve the best possible placements for our young people.