Children looked after and placement sufficiency strategy 2021 to 2024

Position statement

Buckinghamshire Council is located in the South East of England and has a population of approximately 540,100. This figure has risen steadily from 522,000 in 2014 and is forecast to increase by a further 70,400 by 2039 as a result of an ambitious growth agenda and plans for new housing[1].

Of this population, 19% are aged 65+ and 30% 0 to 24, this is similar to trends across the South East more widely although Bucks has a slightly higher proportion of young people than the rest of the region[2]. 86% of the county population are of White ethnicity, the remaining 14% are defined as Black, Asian, mixed or other[3].

Although overall the county population is the second least deprived in England, it does have a number of areas of deprivation, mostly in the urban areas or Aylesbury and High Wycombe.

[1] ONS population data

[2] Same source as above

[3] Census 2011