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Children looked after and placement sufficiency strategy 2021 to 2024

Legal context

Section 22 of the Children Act 1989 (amended by the Children and Young Persons Act 2008) places a general duty on local authorities to secure sufficient accommodation within the authority’s area which meets the needs of children that the local authority are looking after circumstances are such that it would be consistent with their welfare for them to be provided with accommodation that is in the local authority’s area.

Sufficiency Duty Statutory Guidance describes the accommodation required for a child looked after that:

  • is near the child’s home
  • does not disrupt his/her education or training
  • enables the child to live with an accommodated sibling
  • where the child is disabled, is suitable to meet the needs of that child
  • is within the local authority’s area, unless that is not possible

Commissioning standards are also important, emphasising:

  • individual assessment and care planning
  • commissioning decision
  • strategic needs assessment
  • market management
  • collaboration
  • securing services