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Children looked after and placement sufficiency strategy 2021 to 2024

Outcomes of this strategy

There is not a ‘one size fits all’ approach to supporting families in the community or for improving outcomes for Children Looked After. Different cohorts of children require different approaches. This strategy has identified some of the key challenges we face in meeting our sufficiency duty and actions proposed to make sure we are better placed to meet these challenges and deliver financially sustainable services.

Our aim is to strengthen the range of preventative and support services/interventions we offer to ensure that our children who are looked after are able to achieve their full potential.

We will monitor this strategy by regularly measuring key performance indicators.

Throughout the life of this document we will continue to work with our children in care, care leavers and key partners to develop our plans and priorities. We want this strategy to be a ‘live’ document and so we will publish an updated version each year. We will also review this strategy every 6 months and if we believe significant change has occurred, we will also publish an interim update. A summary of the actions identified is set out in the below action plan which will be monitored by the children looked after project board which meets monthly and the change for children board which meets on a six-weekly basis.