Whistleblowing Policy and Procedure 2021 to 2022

Last updated: 1 June 2021

4. Raising a concern under the whistleblowing policy and procedure

How to raise a concern:

  • in the first instance, the employee or worker should raise their concern verbally or in writing with their immediate manager, or, if the concern involves the direct line manager, their superior. Wherever possible concerns should be made in writing direct by the person raising the concerns

  • the manager will then either continue to deal with the concern or refer it to another appropriate senior manager. Where concerns raised involve Children, Young People or Adults with care and support needs, the appropriate process should be followed

  • in certain circumstances, you may feel unable, or it may not be appropriate, to raise your concerns with your immediate manager due to the seriousness and sensitivity of the issues involved and who is suspected of the malpractice. If this is the case, the concern can be reported to one of the following officers:

  • Head of Service
  • Service Director
  • Corporate Director
  • Head of Business Assurance (and Chief Internal Auditor)
  • Director of Finance (S151)
  • Deputy Chief Executive (Monitoring Officer)
  • Chief Executive

  • you may also use the Council’s Whistleblowing Hotline on 01296 382237 (accessible 24 hours a day) or email [email protected]. All calls and emails will be treated in the strictest confidence.

  • in the event that you wish to raise a concern which involves the Head of Business Assurance (and Chief Internal Auditor), Corporate Fraud Manager or one of the Business Assurance Team, your concerns should be raised with the Service Director for Legal Services or the Monitoring Officer in the first instance to ensure that the appropriate process is followed.