26 results for ‘hs2’
High Speed Rail (HS2)
The new high speed railway (HS2) in Buckinghamshire
HS2 camera locations
Find out where HS2 CCTV cameras are placed and where we plan to place them in future
The HS2 Road Safety Fund
Find out what the HS2 Road Safety Fund aims to do and how to apply.
- Introduction
Apply for the HS2 Road Safety Fund
Find out what the HS2 Road Safety Fund aims to do and how to apply
HS2 Road Safety Fund: after you've applied
Find out what the HS2 Road Safety Fund aims to do and how to apply
HS2 Large Goods Vehicles on our roads
Find out about HS2 Large Goods Vehicles (LGVs) on our roads
Register of HS2 rights of way closures and diversions
View the register of temporary rights of way closures and diversions taking place due to the construction of HS2.
HS2 Forthcoming Works Packages for submission to Buckinghamshire Council
See the forthcoming HS2 works packages for submission to Buckinghamshire Council.
The Buckinghamshire Greenway
Find out more about the proposed flagship walking, cycling and wheeling spine across Buckinghamshire
Apply for a temporary Traffic Regulation Order on a public right of way
Apply to suspend or mitigate traffic on footpaths, byways and bridleways in order to carry out works.
Sheephouse Wood and HS2
Council expresses extreme disappointment as Planning Inspector allows further tree work by HS2.
Wendover cycleway (walking and cycling route)
Information about proposed cycleway improvements in Wendover which are due to be completed in 2021.