How to apply for a spare seat on a council-run school bus

What it costs and how to pay

What it costs

The cost of each spare seat stays the same regardless of the distance travelled.

Type of resident Annual fee
Buckinghamshire residents £929
Non-Buckinghamshire residents £1,285

Payment options

Payment option Students who live in Buckinghamshire Students who live outside Buckinghamshire
Single annual fee £929 £1,285
Monthly card payments (over 8 months)* 8 x £120 8 x £164
Total cost of monthly payments £960 £1,312
Termly payment* 3 x £320 3 x £438
Total cost of termly payments £960 £1,314

*These fees have been rounded and include a £30 administration fee for providing a new travel pass each term.

How to pay

You can pay with an online card payment or by calling us.

When to pay

If you have been allocated a spare seat for the first time, the payment deadline will be provided in the notification we send to you.

If you need to renew a Spare Seat bus pass for the spring term, we will send you a reminder in October. If you do not pay by the deadline your child’s place could be offered to another applicant.

If you have any questions regarding the Spare Seats Scheme and payment methods, contact us online.