Commuted sums calculator for affordable housing
The commuted sums calculator for affordable housing, together with the associated guidance notes, sets out Buckinghamshire Council’s approach to the delivery of affordable housing in the areas covered by the:
- Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan
- Wycombe District Local Plan
This applies specifically to circumstances where an off-site contribution for affordable homes is necessary or acceptable.
View the Commuted sums for affordable housing calculator (Excel, 55 KB).
For guidance on using the calculator see Guidance notes: commuted sums for off-site affordable housing.
When the calculator is used
The calculator is to be used where the adopted local plans set out that it is acceptable for the Local Planning Authority to accept a commuted sum for off-site affordable housing provision.
This is set out in the:
- Wycombe District local plan policy DM24
- Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan Policy H1
Both local plans can be viewed on our local development plans page.
Further guidance on these matters is available for:
- the Wycombe area in the Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document (2020)
- the Aylesbury Vale area in a forthcoming Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document (draft for consultation September 2022)
Why the calculator is used
This calculator should be used to calculate the required financial contributions towards providing affordable housing, through the planning process.
Although initially prepared for use in the former Wycombe District Council area, this calculator is also to be used for all relevant planning applications within the Aylesbury Vale area of Buckinghamshire.
Applications for residential development which meet the requirement for a commuted sum should use the calculator when creating their proposal during the pre-application stage.
The aim is to reduce the amount of time taken negotiating affordable housing provision through planning obligations (S106 Agreements) and the determination of planning applications.
Reports, data and documents
View our report and data below about the commuted sum calculator.
- Affordable Housing Commuted Sum Calculator Report- May 2022 (PDF, 240 KB)
- Appendix A- Affordable rent data (PDF, 130 KB)
- Appendix B- Shared ownership data (PDF, 23 KB)