Statement of Community Involvement (SCI)
Planning for the future of Buckinghamshire
Our plans for the future of Buckinghamshire will be set out in the Buckinghamshire Local Plan. A Local Plan shows where development can happen, and where it needs to be carefully controlled.
The Local Plan is the prime consideration when determining planning applications unless material considerations indicate otherwise. A material consideration is a matter that should be taken into account in deciding a planning application or an appeal.
In August 2020, the Government published a Planning White Paper on reforms to the planning system. We expect further legislation and guidance to follow during 2022 or later. This could significantly change the way that we prepare Local Plans and how we engage on them. This section of the SCI is based on the current approach but we may need to update this when any new legislation comes in.
Documents we produce
Local Plan
Local Plans, including those relating to minerals and waste, set out the main planning strategy and policies for their area.
Supplementary Planning Documents
Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) provide more detailed guidance to further explain the policies and proposals set out in Local Plans.
Other documents
We may prepare other development briefs and guidance which are not formal SPDs, and we may also carry out consultation on these documents.
Local Development Scheme
The Local Development Scheme (LDS) shows what Local Plans the Council is preparing, and the timetable we expect to follow. It does not however include neighbourhood plans, supplementary planning documents or other guidance documents.
Community Infrastructure Levy
Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a charge which can be levied by local authorities on new development in their area. CIL charging schedules have been adopted in the Chiltern, South Bucks and Wycombe areas. The situation in Aylesbury Vale is under review following the Planning White Paper’s proposal to abolish CIL.