Generic brief for an historic environment assessment and walk over survey

Last updated: 18 August 2021

5. Procedure and professional standards

The assessment should be undertaken in accordance with the "Standard and Guidance for Archaeological Desk-based Assessments" published by the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (CIfA, 2017) and Historic England's published guidance on assessing and recording historic buildings (2016). The project should be governed by a project design which has been agreed in writing by the Council Archaeology Service. The project design should conform to section 3.3 of the CIfA guidelines and cover the following points:

  • the project manager should be a named Member of the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (MCIfA).
  • specialists should be identified where required (e.g. for historic building and landscape assessment, historic documentary study etc.). Note: Specialists should be able to demonstrate a relevant qualification and track record of at least 3 years continuous relevant work (or equivalent) and appropriate publication. In appropriate circumstances, less experienced staff may conduct work under the supervision of well established and widely recognised specialists.
  • sources of information to be used (see below).
  • the extent of the study area - this should be carefully justified and sufficient to enable the site to be understood within its wider historic landscape/settlement context.
  • reporting format