Generic brief for an historic environment assessment and walk over survey

Last updated: 18 August 2021


1. Summary

This is a generic brief for use in relation to desk-based assessments and walk-over surveys of heritage assets required prior to the determination of a planning application.

Assessments are required where:

  • a development is likely to affect the significance of a known heritage asset of archaeological, architectural, artistic or historic interest
  • a development has the potential to affect as yet undiscovered assets of archaeological interest
  • information held on the Buckinghamshire Historic Environment Record is not sufficient to fully understand the heritage interest or the impact of the proposed development upon it

This brief sets out the standard requirements for the heritage consultant who will undertake this work. It can be used to obtain quotes from appropriately qualified consultants (they will also need details of the development). The brief will also inform the preparation of a project design, which should be agreed by the council Archaeology Service before commencing work.

A Historic Environment Assessment will normally include:

  1. The production of the Project Design outlining the key issues to be addressed, the sources and methodology to be used and the expertise available.
  2. Research from a range of publicly available sources and information held by the applicant.
  3. A site visit with appropriate written/photographic record.
  4. The production of a final report including assessments of heritage significance and development impact and appropriate specialist input.

For advice on commissioning archaeological work see 'Advice on commissioning archaeological work in Buckinghamshire'.

Expertise on historic buildings can also be sourced through the Institute for Historic Building Conservation (IHBC) and Historic England.