Generic brief for an historic environment assessment and walk over survey

Last updated: 18 August 2021

7. Information sources

Consideration should be given to searching the following sources of information. There should be a presumption that all potentially relevant information sources will be searched. The project design should specify any proposed variations from this list and supply appropriate justifications for such variations.

  • Buckinghamshire Historic Environment Record
  • Centre for Buckinghamshire Studies: Historic maps (both county and local), antiquarian sources and documentary records (including indexes to some collections held elsewhere), local history reference library
  • National Monuments Record: Archaeological records
  • National Library of Aerial Photographs
  • Cambridge University Collection of Aerial Photographs
  • Environment Agency LiDAR datasets, available online
  • Landowners/Developers: for example for geotechnical data or information on recent land use/cellars etc
  • Historic England: List of Scheduled Monuments, Register of Historic Parks and Gardens; Lists of Historic Buildings
  • local archaeologists/historians and other archaeological organisations: unpublished information and/or specialist local knowledge
  • site inspection/walkover survey: to identify and record historic buildings and landscape features, current land use, areas of disturbance, areas of potential colluvial or alluvial deposits etc
  • any other relevant sources identified in consultation with the Council Archaeology Service or in the process of researching the assessment (for example Buckinghamshire Archaeological Society Library, Buckinghamshire County Museum, Public Record Office, HERs held by neighbouring authorities, documentary archives in private or other hands)