Buckinghamshire Highways Asset Management Strategy 2021

Last updated: 4 February 2022

Work programming

The works programmes developed for each asset group will be the outcome from the asset management planning process. Works programmes will therefore be aligned to the strategy and be optimised to achieve the performance targets and deliver the best value for money. Lifecycle Plans and their investment strategies will be used to identify maintenance strategies. These will set the optimum balance between protection treatments and those focussed on asset renewal.

For each asset group candidate schemes will be identified, assessed, prioritised and optimised to create 4 year forward programmes. These programmes will contribute towards achieving the Asset Management Objectives and associated performance targets whilst endeavouring to deliver the best value for money. This continues to align with the Council’s Medium-Term Financial Plan.

Candidate schemes will be identified from a range of sources:

  • Asset condition data and associated software tools used to analyse this data;
  • Stakeholder needs including engagement with elected Members to address community needs;
  • Other surveys, for example safety inspections;
  • Local knowledge from operational staff;
  • Complaints and injury claims;
  • Meeting other transport and corporate objectives, for example in association with development or improvement schemes.

For all asset groups, schemes will be prioritised using multi-criteria analysis, as set out in their respective prioritisation plans, for inclusion in the works programmes for each year. This prioritisation considers the Asset Management Objectives and associated performance targets and gaps. The contribution each scheme or collection of schemes will make in achieving the Asset Management Objectives and addressing performance gaps determines their priorities. For locally important assets without a strategic role such as Hierarchy 4b Local Access Roads, the Council will continue to follow it’s “Think Councillor” approach and will be guided by the Local Member in determining the prioritisation of schemes.

In order to achieve the greatest effectiveness, works programmes will be optimised. The 4-year programme for each asset group will be reviewed with our supply chain and opportunities for long term integration and collaborative working will be identified and exploited whenever possible to deliver efficiencies, optimise the use of resources and minimise the occupation of the network. Schemes in the forward programme will be plotted and recorded in the AMIS and communicated to key stakeholders through the Communications Plan as appropriate.