Buckinghamshire Highways Asset Management Strategy 2021

Last updated: 4 February 2022

Highways communications strategy

A Customer and Communications Strategy and Plan ensures relevant information is provided to key stakeholders to inform the setting of performance targets, budgets and in making key decisions.

The communication strategy outlines how Buckinghamshire Highways promotes engagement both in providing information to key stakeholders and receiving feedback. It covers communication inside the service, across the authority and with external stakeholders such as the public and parish councils. The Communication Plan lists the key Stakeholders and the channels of communication used as well as defining how the strategy will be delivered.

Our website

A comprehensive website contains information on our policies and plans, activities undertaken and the current works programmes.

It provides the opportunity for feedback on information published and Buckinghamshire Highways will continue regular engagement with the public through social media. There are also comprehensive tools for reporting issues, defects and problems. These tools are easy to use and will allow Buckinghamshire Highways to react to local issues that are affecting residents. The tools allow for the reporting and tracking of a defect to ensure the public is able to report issues and see what actions are taken. Local residents reporting of issues allows Buckinghamshire Highways to ensure that safety and accessibility concerns are addressed efficiently and effectively.

Programmes of works will also be communicated through regular member updates and the Community Boards.

Communicating with stakeholders

The Communication Plan details how we engage with Members, Town and Parish Councils, the public, businesses and other stakeholders in communicating our approach to asset management.

This engagement includes information on budget setting and the service levels and performance targets set. It also sets out how direct engagement takes place with Members to provide them with information and the opportunity to inform and influence our strategies.


The National Highways and Transportation (NHT) Customer Satisfaction Survey and other surveys will continue to be used to ensure Member and public views are analysed and used to shape strategic planning and transport services. Individual feedback is also received on larger maintenance schemes which will be used to inform and improve scheme delivery.

The Communication Plan is a live document and will continue to be regularly reviewed to reinforce and develop communication of this Asset Management Strategy.