Buckinghamshire Highways Asset Management Strategy 2021

Last updated: 4 February 2022

Competencies and training

In order to manage its Highway Assets as effectively and efficiently as possible, Buckinghamshire Highways (BH) considers it is essential to have an organisational structure that facilitates implementation and delivery of asset management by appropriately empowered and competent staff. Investment in staff development will support overall improvement in the implementation and delivery of this Strategy, therefore supporting subsequent business benefits. The business planning and monitoring process will ensure that adequate resources are allocated to asset management activities and that recruitment, where required, will have the appropriate focus.

BH has considered the requirements and guidance contained within the Institute of Asset Management Competency Framework and developed a RACI matrix (Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed) that aligns 27 competence units within 7 roles to the key organisational roles in BH.

The RACI sets out which key organisational role has the Responsibility and Accountability for each of the competence units to discharge all 7 roles required to become “Proficient to Advanced” in asset management practice. The RACI then considers which key organisational roles should be Consulted and Informed in relation to the 27 competence units. The RACI will then be used to inform the training and development requirements for each of the key organisational roles within BH.

The Training and Development Plan for asset management ensures that all staff have the appropriate competencies in line with their responsibilities and accountabilities set out in the RACI. BH makes use of suitable training opportunities for its staff including attendance at conferences and industry groups as well as formal training programmes. BH has developed bespoke, online Asset Management training packages to support understanding of the Framework and the role every member of staff has to play in it. The Personal Development Review process ensures individual training and development plans are developed for all staff involved in implementing asset management in BH.

Close links with professionals in the industry are maintained through regular meetings with other Local Authorities to share good practice, knowledge and identify opportunities for efficiency savings by collaborative working and sharing of resources.