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Buckinghamshire Education and Skills Strategy 2018 to 2022

Youth council voice

I want to go to a school or college which:

  • makes me feel safe and protected from bullying
  • helps me achieve the best results I can in my exams
  • treats everyone fairly and respectfully
  • will support and stretch me so I get the best results
  • has excellent support for young people with additional needs
  • values every student for who they are and makes sure no-one feels left out

School are too inward facing, they need to interact with the community more.

Having good behaviour in schools is so important; we need all teachers to enforce the school policy fairly.

We shouldn't have to travel to go to a good school. There should be good schools in all towns for everyone.

Schools should work together more, to offer a range of qualifications between them so there is greater choice.

Lack of resources is a problem. They need to be available for those that need them.