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Buckinghamshire Education and Skills Strategy 2018 to 2022

Ensure children and young people with SEND receive appropriate and timely support

Our Ambition - All EHCPs will be issued within 20 weeks. More children will receive SEN Support to provide the support they need in school, with EHCPs being issued where appropriate.

Ensure children and young people with SEND receive appropriate and timely support:

  • in 2017, 19% new Education, Health and Care plans issued within 20 weeks (England 2016 = 59%)
  • in January 2017, 3.1% of pupils in Buckinghamshire schools had a statement or EHCP (National 2.8%). 8.6% of pupils were on SEN Support (National = 11.6%)
  • in 2017, 8% of pupils with a statement of SEN or an EHCP reaching the expected standard in reading, writing and mathematics at KS2 (national average = 8%)
  • in 2017, the average KS4 Attainment 8 Score for pupils with a statement of SEN or an EHCP was 16.5 (national average = 13.9%)