Equality policy 2020 to 2024

Last updated: 24 March 2022

3. Equalities objectives and delivery


Our communities and our workforce are made up of a diverse range of individuals and groups with differing needs. We want our county to be a place everyone can be proud of, with excellent services, thriving businesses and outstanding public spaces for everyone. We want all our residents, regardless of background, to have access to great life opportunities, living healthy successful lives, doing business with ease, ageing well independently, and working towards achieving their goals in life.


In line with our ambitions to make Buckinghamshire the best possible place to live, raise a family, work and do business, our main objective is that all of our work is completed within the context of the Equality Duty - tackling discrimination, advancing opportunity and fostering good relations within our communities.


To do this, we aim to achieve the following objectives, which support our strategic priorities (as identified in our corporate plan):

a) develop, commission and deliver inclusive and responsive services

b) foster strong relationships within our communities so everyone feels safe, supported to live independently, and residents are encouraged to get involved in improving local services;

c) develop and support a highly skilled workforce who are collaborative and ambitious in the work they do, whilst valuing diverse perspectives; and

d) ensure leadership and organisational commitment to equalities.


To support the delivery of these objectives we will:

  • gather information about our local communities and their protected characteristics in order to assess local needs, impacts to services and priorities.
  • integrate equality analysis/impact assessment systematically into planning and decision making across the organisation.
  • engage with local communities when making decisions, including those with protected characteristics.
  • engage in planning and delivering activities that foster good relations.
  • seek to ensure services are accessible to local people and communities.
  • monitor, analyse and publish employment data in accordance with statutory duties.
  • provide a range of accessible learning and development opportunities to support councillors and officers in achieving equality objectives and outcomes.
  • meet legal requirements to make reasonable workplace adjustments for disabled people.