Find out about listed buildings

Check if your property is listed

A listed building is one that is of special architectural or historic interest and is worth protecting.

Check our Heritage portal to find listed buildings in Buckinghamshire.

The National List for England also provides an up to date register of all nationally protected historic buildings and sites in England, including:

  • listed buildings
  • scheduled monuments
  • registered parks and gardens.

If the building or structure you are looking for does not appear in your search results, it may still be listed.

There are 2 main reasons why it may not appear:

  • the name or number of the building/structure may have changed since the time of listing
  • the building or structure may not be listed in its own right but it could still be listed through its position within the ‘curtilage’, or grounds, of a listed building. You can find further information on curtilage on Historic England