Find out about listed buildings

Listed buildings

There are currently nearly 5,000 listed buildings across Buckinghamshire.

Once listed, a building has special protection under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 and Buckinghamshire Council.

Buildings are listed for different reasons including:

  • architectural or historic value
  • links to historic figures or events
  • how they were built, or technological advancements
  • value as part of a group of buildings or remarkable street scene

Listed buildings are graded to show their importance:

  • Grade I: buildings of exceptional interest and national importance
  • Grade II star: buildings of particular importance (more than special interest and regional significance)
  • Grade II: buildings of special interest and local importance

Read more about the principles of selecting a listed building on Historic England.

Check if your building is listed by searching the National Heritage List for England (NHLE).

You can also search for listed buildings using the map on the Buckinghamshire Heritage Portal.