Generic brief for an archaeological watching brief or small-scale investigation

Last updated: 1 July 2023

3. Requirement for a watching brief or investigation

Paragraph 194 of the National Planning Policy Framework (2021) states that where the loss of the whole or a material part of a heritage asset's significance is justified, local planning authorities should require the developer to record and advance understanding of the significance of the heritage asset before it is lost, in a manner proportionate to its significance and the impact. The evidence gathered should be made publicly accessible, a report lodged in the Historic Environment Record and the archive deposited with a local museum – all of which should be completed in a timely manner

Requirements for watching briefs or small-scale investigations are normally secured by means of a "negative condition" and must be specified in a "written scheme of investigation" which has been agreed in writing by the Council Archaeology Service and approved by the local planning authority prior to commencing fieldwork. Archaeological planning conditions will not be complied with until all fieldwork and post-excavation work has been completed, the archive has been deposited and publication secured.