Generic brief for an archaeological watching brief or small-scale investigation

Last updated: 1 July 2023

14. Bibliography

  1. Buckinghamshire County Museum, 2013. Procedures for Notifying and Transferring Archaeological Archives.
  2. MHC&LG, 2019. National Planning Policy Framework.
  3. Historic England, 2015. Good Practice Advice in Planning Note 2: Managing Significance in Decision-Taking in the Historic Environment
  4. Historic England, 2015. Management of Research Projects in the Historic Environment. The MoRPHE Project Manager’s Guide.
  5. Historic England 2018 The Role of the Human Osteologist in an Archaeological Fieldwork Project
  6. English Heritage, 2010. Waterlogged wood. Guidelines on the Recording, Sampling, Conservation and Curation of Waterlogged Wood (third edition).
  7. English Heritage, 2011. Environmental Archaeology: A guide to the theory and practice of methods from sampling and recovery to post excavation (second edition) CIfA, 2014. Standard and Guidance for an archaeological watching brief.
  8. Slowikowski, A, Nenk, B, & Pearce, J 2001. Minimum Standards for the Processing, Recording, Analysis and Publication of Post Roman Ceramics, Medieval Pottery Research Group, Occasional Paper No2
  9. SMA, 2018. Guidance on the Rationalisation of Museum Archaeology Collections