Freight strategy 2018 to 2036

Our freight strategy is aimed at residents and businesses in Buckinghamshire.

It was created to help keep the balance between the:

  • need for efficient distribution of goods
  • needs of our environment and communities

The freight strategy was created as part of a statutory commitment to the Local Transport Plan 4.

How we created it

Before starting work on the strategy, we spoke to residents to get a better understanding of what to focus on.

This included:

  • running a 2-week online survey in 2017, where we received 1092 responses
  • attending Local Area Forum (LAF) meetings and meetings with industry organisations, such as the Freight Transport Association
  • making site visits with parish councils
  • carrying out a public consultation to identify local problem areas and identifying solutions

We then evaluated the responses and produced a consultation report PDF, 646KB. The report captures the feedback received and how we’ve used it to shape the final freight strategy.

What we focused on

The feedback from our user research has helped us to focus on 3 specific areas, these were:

  • HGVs using appropriate routes
  • businesses and freight operators knowing where recommended freight routes are
  • road safety and driver behaviour

We also highlighted areas of the county where we’ll adopt new measures to reduce freight noise. For an example of this, view our work on the Ivinghoe freight zone.

How we’ll deliver it

We’ve taken an area-based approach to investigate freight movements in the county. This helps us to identify specific areas to focus on so that we can ensure:

  • HGV through-traffic is directed along appropriate strategic routes
  • that only necessary journeys occur on the local road network (for example, to access business parks, farms and carry out deliveries)

The intention is that HGVs will be forced to use the most suitable roads in the area (such as A and B roads). The local road network should only be used where necessary for making deliveries.

View the strategy

Contact the freight team