Get pre-application advice for a highway development proposal

Make an appeal if planning refuses your application

The Highways Team may recommend that the Planning Team refuse applications that are unacceptable on highway grounds. If the Planning Team accepts this advice and refuses an application, the applicant can lodge a planning appeal against that decision.

Appeals take the form of:

  • written representations
  • hearings
  • public inquiries

Recommendations for refusal may be supported at appeals by evidence, at the request of Buckinghamshire Council.

You can appeal a planning decision if either:

  • you disagree with it
  • the decision wasn’t made within 8 weeks (13 weeks for a major development, for example 10 or more dwellings or a building of more than 1,000 square metres)

You can also track cases and submit comments on current appeals using the Planning Inspectorate website.

Appeals can be submitted electronically to the Planning Inspectorate (PINS).