Get pre-application advice for a highway development proposal

Application advice

How to get pre-application advice on a planning proposal

Guidance and policies on the impact of highway development

Residential estate road design guidance

Buckinghamshire follow the guidelines set out by the DfT Manual for Street guide

Our parking standards for new developments

We produced the Buckinghamshire Countywide Parking Guidance, which became policy in September 2015. However, it is only currently used to determine parking provision for developments within the Wycombe local area.

How to get a privately maintained road adopted by Buckinghamshire council

Read our private road adoption guidance PDF,85KB. 

If your planning permission says you need a section 184 licence

If your planning permission says you need to enter a section 278 agreement

View our information about a Section 278 Agreement.

If you're constructing an estate road you want to be maintained at public expense in the future

View our information about a Section 38 Agreement.

Find out highway extents or whether or not specific land is maintained by the County Council

These records are held by Buckinghamshire Council’s Local Land Charges Section. If you are seeking a CON29R or O search or highway extent information.

View our information about Highway and Con29 search enquiries.

Report construction traffic associated with a development tracking mud onto the road

It is an offence under S151 of the Highways Act 1980 for vehicles leaving the development site to carry mud onto the public highway. Ultimately, enforcement of this lies with the police.

However, if you wish to bring it to the Highway Authority’s attention, report it to Buckinghamshire Highways using Fix My Street.

Report construction traffic is blocking the road

Wilful obstruction on or of the highway is an offence under S137 of the Highways Act 1980, and is enforceable only by the police.